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Being smart is fun! From your side: team, a little knowledge and a sense of humour, from our side: questions, gifts and festive mood!
This is absolutely new game from Dodo Quest in the new format and with : ;)

dodo Quiz in few words:
The drink&think bar game! Come with friends, compete, answer unusual questions (like in "Who wants to be a millionaire", but funnier and usually more easier), have a lot of fun and maybe some prizes at the end:)


2 - 9 persons in 1 team

3 hours

Game photos:

how it works?
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step ae?!
You book the game (inform the exact number of participants and name of your team)
Come to The Irish and pay on arrival (cash only) for your team
Sit down at especially for you reserved table and (OhMyGosh!) put your smartphones in a special box till the end of the game
During the two hours you will find several rounds with various unusual, bright, funny and interesting questions.
...and catch a bunch of joyful and fun moments in a cool company!*
*and drink beer or something stronger for sure;)

how it works?
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step ae?!
You book the game (inform the exact number of participants and name of your team)
Come to The Irish and pay on arrival (cash only) for your team
Sit down at you specially reserved table and (OhMyGosh!) put your smartphones in a special box till the end of the game
During the two hours you will find several rounds with various unusual, bright, funny and interesting questions.
...and catch a bunch of joyful and fun moments in a cool company!*
*and drink beer or something stronger for sure;)

New contacts
''you will find useful contacts or absolutely useless but very cool''

Most funny evening
''one more reason for the bar...''

From small to big company
''can play just with two or even with 9 friends''

Prizes and #newinstaposts
''cool prizes and photos for the guests''

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