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Hello! If you are here - very soon we will see you and your team in Coeur de Ville Tamarin in big treasure hunt powered by Dodo Quest! This page made to prepare you to this journey, please follow all written! 

DON`t forget cool halloween costumes!


For the event you must have a smartphone

it must be charged and have Internet access (a small amount of data, about 100 MB)

*all tasks and hints will be written on English language (be sure to have one English speaking person in a team) 


Please install our special APP right now! 

Scan this qr-code with your camera

or open this link on your mobile
or search for free app Loquiz 
in your android/ios store.
Unfortunately it doesn't work well on Huawei smartphones.

Install the application on second mobile too. If the captain runs out of battery, second can get access

You can come to register & start the game any moment between  16:00 and 17:00! For everyone maximum game time - 2 hours. Winner announcement after 19-30 same day (or in Fb page of Dodo Quest, Sunday 27.10)

At the registration table in Coeur De Ville, you will receive a login and password. After the game starts, you will see a map with multiple checkpoints. As soon as you reach a checkpoint, you will receive a task that needs to be completed in order to earn points.

Near or inside indoor locations, you may find QR codes, which will also provide additional tasks.

Teambuilding fördern online durch ein Virtuelles PUB Quiz by Montée_0.png

 What to take: 
- your smartphones (1 per team + 1 spare) fully charged, with internet data
- preferably power banks

sun cream in case of sun
raincoat in case of rain (the game will take place under any conditions)
- costumes! (you remember we have special prize?)
- comfortable
cloths that can get a little dirty/wet
comfortable shoes (say no to slippers) 

IMPORTANT: Please follow all road safety rules. Assess your surroundings and avoid running near roads with traffic. Keep a close eye on children and cross the road only at designated crosswalks. Violators of these rules will have points deducted (monitored via GPS and supervised by our team).

Additionally, exercise caution when navigating slippery or unstable rocks and bushes. Stay alert and avoid taking unnecessary risks.

no age restrictions, but game happen on the big territory with walking and exploring. 

Attention: Minors attending the event without their parents or responsible adults must bring a signed letter from their parents with all contact information.


·       Activate: GPS (location services), WiFi, and Mobile data on your mobile device

·       Open the LOQUIZ application by tapping on loquiz icon

·       You need to allow loquiz to access the device’s camera, album and location services. (a popup will appear when needed).

·       Fill in the username and password of the game (you will get  on registration table) and click “Sign in”

·       You can read the game info and press “OK”

·       To start the game, tap on “Start”, and press “Yes” on the popup question asking you if you want to start the game.

· Fill the team name and team member names

·       You can now start playing, looking for points on the map, visiting them and answering questions.

Build your strategy on how to move around the place based on the points you want to visit.
Each point has three characteristics. A number, an icon and a circle. 
1. A number show you Points you can win if you answer correctly.
2. The icon picture will show you task or question theme (icon).
3. The circle appearing on each point is the trigger radius.
To activate the task hidden in any given point, simply move inside its circle (the blue dot on the map representing your location should be inside the trigger radius). After completing the task, the point you have visited will disappear from the map.
Your map is dynamic and you can zoom in / out, center it to your point, rotate it, and align it to the compass direction.


Types of tasks:

Снимок экрана 2023-10-26 в 3.09.56 AM.png

Logic or search task. Ask your team to work in team to get the answer

Creative task. You have to make in-app creative photo or video. Be creative and send proper content to not loose points

Augmented Reality task. Add to our life some magical creatures and effects, don`t forget to interact with

Object finder task. Find special object and show to our intelligence scanner

Sponsored task. (can look different) Interact with cool products and be creative!

Don`t start the game on two devices simultaneously to not lose points.

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